Manage Your Licenses – Secure, Easy & Fast

Use the license management to manage user access to the TecAlliance products you have purchased. The license management helps you add users to licenses, adjust their access period or revoke access.
The individual functions are explained in more detail further down on this page.

Note: As a buyer, you are automatically assigned to the first license you purchase. If you have only purchased one license, you can use your bought TecAlliance product directly. If you have purchased 5 licenses, for example, you are assigned to one license and have 4 more to assign.

My LicensesSupport

Get an overview of your licenses

In the Licence Management you will find a clear overview of your active licences for your TecAlliance products.In the list view you will find the current license term, subscription and invoice number as well as the quanity.
By clicking on "User Management", you can assign your users to a license, adjust the term or revoke access.

Assign licenses

Click on “Assign User” to easily add a user to an active license. You than need to add the e-mail address of the user for this license. This e-mail address will be later on also the user name for the login to the My.TecAlliance portal to access your product.
You can also adjust the access period. In standard the time will always be set from the day of assignment to the end of the license period.

Multi user assignment:

In order to assign multiple users at once to an active license, simple add all email addresses within the "Email Addresses" field. A comma, line break or semicolon must separate the e-mail addresses.

Change assignment period

Easily extend or shorten the duration of license assignments based on your organization's evolving needs. Just click on change user and adjust the runtime for the access of the user in the calendar.

Revoke access

Maintain control and security by revoking access for users. Deactivate the user and all changes will be active a couple moments after.